Poster, GRUNDEL: Leren Zichtbaar Maken

GRUNDEL: Leren Zichtbaar Maken

For the Design Project module at the University of Twente, we have developed a system for the project “Leren Zichtbaar Maken” for Lyceum De Grundel in Hengelo. The system aims to create an atmosphere for students and teachers to visualize the learning process. Students can scale themselves (grade their progress) on various topics and view the progress made. The system was designed with the main focus on usability, so that every student and teacher could use the application easily. The Lyceum de Grundel intends for the project to be the pilot phase of an actual product that the school will use in the future

  • CS: Design Project

    The CS Design Project module is one of the two final modules of the Bachelor. In the design component of this module, students show that they master the entire design trajectory, from the first informal specification of requirements by a client to the delivery and presentation of a well-documented working product. Projects are submitted by clients from either inside or outside the University. Students perform the project in groups of 3-5 students under the supervision of a teacher from the Department of Computer Science. The supervisor is also the one who assesses the process and products of the group. Project deliverables include a project proposal, a design report, a presentation and a poster.

  • Design Report

    View the full design report for this project.

Poster, GRUNDEL: Leren Zichtbaar Maken

GRUNDEL: Leren Zichtbaar Maken

For the Design Project module at the University of Twente, we have developed a system for the project “Leren Zichtbaar Maken” for Lyceum De Grundel in Hengelo. The system aims to create an atmosphere for students and teachers to visualize the learning process. Students can scale themselves (grade their progress) on various topics and view the progress made. The system was designed with the main focus on usability, so that every student and teacher could use the application easily. The Lyceum de Grundel intends for the project to be the pilot phase of an actual product that the school will use in the future

David Vos, Jasper Bovenkerk, Maarten Pieter Meijer, Muzaffer Arda Koc, Wouter van den Brink

CS: Design Project

The CS Design Project module is one of the two final modules of the Bachelor. In the design component of this module, students show that they master the entire design trajectory, from the first informal specification of requirements by a client to the delivery and presentation of a well-documented working product. Projects are submitted by clients from either inside or outside the University. Students perform the project in groups of 3-5 students under the supervision of a teacher from the Department of Computer Science. The supervisor is also the one who assesses the process and products of the group. Project deliverables include a project proposal, a design report, a presentation and a poster.

Design Report

View the full design report for this project.