Poster, Bag-of-words location retrieval: including position of local features

Bag-of-words location retrieval: including position of local features

Analyzing whether two photos depict the same scene can algorithmically be done by counting the different features of each image. This research investigates various improvements to this method by also keeping track of where in the image a feature is positioned.

  • CS & BIT: Research Project

    The Research Project is a research project that serves as an exercise for the master’s thesis. As such it serves to give master students who did their bachelor study elsewhere the experience that bachelor students from the UT obtained during their bachelor project.

  • Research Paper

    View the full research paper for this project.

Poster, Bag-of-words location retrieval: including position of local features

Bag-of-words location retrieval: including position of local features

Analyzing whether two photos depict the same scene can algorithmically be done by counting the different features of each image. This research investigates various improvements to this method by also keeping track of where in the image a feature is positioned.

Cas Sievers

CS & BIT: Research Project

The Research Project is a research project that serves as an exercise for the master’s thesis. As such it serves to give master students who did their bachelor study elsewhere the experience that bachelor students from the UT obtained during their bachelor project.

Research Paper

View the full research paper for this project.