Rrr! Roomsign

Rrr! Roomsign is a smarter roomsign, based on e-ink technology, which can be easily changed from a web interface.

Bram Ouwerkerk, Maarten Marcusse, Mart Spil, Niels Rotmensen

What are our bachelor projects

Most universities end their bachelor programs with a half a year long research paper. However, we at the University of Twente do this a little different. To represent our focus on project work during out bachelor programmes the bachelors Technical Computer Science and Business & IT have split their respective final projects into two parts. First off, a practical application of their knowledge, and secondly a research oriented project. While both bachelor programmes share their research project, they have a unique practical project. For Technical Computer Science this is the Design Project, and for Business & IT this is the BIT Inc. project.




CS: Design Project - 2024/2025 1A

Object Detection using mmWave Sensors

This project explores the feasibility of implementing object detection through t...

Adamo Mariani, Harm J. Dreteler, Hella E. Janssen, Julian B. Dühnen, Karsten E. Roelofs

User interface for a digital of a business park; Ecofactorij

Ecofactorij is a sustainable business park located in Apeldoorn. At the heart of...

Daniar Baialiev, Hristo Bizhev, Jordan Sberlo, Machiel Luning, Sekai Ariji, Yasin Omidi

Automating M12 - PaperSpace

PaperSpace is an online application used to help manage the Research Project in ...

Aren Merzoian, Jelke Schröder, Noah Verheijen, Pengpeng Xu, Vivan Biju


A dashboard application that visualizes data from IoT devices on construction si...

Andrei Rusu, Daan Hanraads, Emir Akkaya, Ignacy Kępka, Sergio Molina Garcia, Yolina Yordanova

Sports and Culture App

If you use sports and/or culture facilities here on campus, you probably know th...

Niek Aukes, Femke Weijsenfeld, Eli Saado, Bjorn Vuurens and Mette Weisfelt


A foosball table was transformed into a smart foosball table called Foosblitz. T...

Hein Huijskes, Iris ten Klooster, Mathijs Vogelezang, Melle Ploeg, Sophie Takken

Product Digital Twin: Implementing a Digital Product Passport

The main idea of the DPP(Digital Product Passport) is to enable the implementati...

Alex Toma, Danil Vorotilov, Fabio Allous, Ivan Mitev, Rares Moldovan

RAiSD-AI GUI/Webserver

RAiSD-AI (Raised Accuracy in Sweep Detection using AI) is a command-line tool de...

Erik Porietis, Jelle Konter, Merijn Posthuma, Ovidiu Burac, Shiva Biersteker

Processing Data from Neuromorphic Vision Sensors on Microcontrollers

This project explores the use of neuromorphic vision technology for real-time di...

Cristian Angheluș, Cezar Vintea, Emil Adam, Daniel Nicoară

Bicycle Routing App -- FietsWay

This project represents a collaborative effort between the Technical Computer Sc...

Quincy Alexander Lelasseux, Sara Michael Iyasu, Steven Fraters, Vlad-Andrei Alexe, Yousef Gouriye

PIF Maker

Together with Ualise we aim to develop PIFmaker, an online platform for document...

Cristian Haidau, Victoria Lozanu, Paul Florian, Lucas Hamad-Chetan, Marina-Alexandra Murtaza

Automated Test Dashboard for a CMS

A web-based dashboard application aimed to assists developers of TACTICOS by THA...

Adam Park, Alexandar Antonov, Crina Gurev, Eugene Scutaru, Ion Donos, Novojit Saha

Rrr! Roomsign

Rrr! Roomsign is a smarter roomsign, based on e-ink technology, which can be eas...

Bram Ouwerkerk, Maarten Marcusse, Mart Spil, Niels Rotmensen

Co-located Extended Reality Game and Short-Term Memory Test

The purpose of this project is to create an open-source application that allows ...

Alexander Fourie, Bora Ciftci, Arda Duyum, Sophie van der Dong

Intelligence cylcing assistance system

The system is supposed to aid cyclists in dangerous situation. With a camera and...

Bart Westenenk, Julius Kuijf, Sandro Vrieling, Ąžuolas Arlauskas

CS: Design Project - 2023/2024 2A

Solar Boat Strategy Tool

A strategy tool for the student team Solar Boat Twente has been developed as an ...

Tessa van Belois, Oliver Davies, Matthew Pieper, Darrell Tufto, Tibet Tugay


MindfulStudent app is a mental health support tool created to address the escala...

Aarav Ashish Mehrishi, Batuhan Usta, Kristian Guenov, Mike Almeloo, Umar Kashif, Veselin Shterev

GUI for Parity Games: A Tool for Algorithm Visualization and Interaction

Do you ever draw a parity game example on a whiteboard? You never have to do th...

Hessel Stokman, Krystof Mitka, Mikuláš Vanoušek, Niels van Duijl, Thai Ha Bui, Yazan Mash'Al

Sato Bani

During the years, numerous attempts were made to aid the day-to-day life of diab...

Alexandra Murgea, Ciprian Bica, Daniel Stanchev, Maria Petrova, Petras Baublys, Stefan van Gurp

PLAEX: A smart waste application

Separating waste might seem trivial, but many people are prone to making mistake...

Adrian Munteanu, Bogdan Mois, Ilja Kaniscev, Victor Zugravu, Vlad Gosa

TA Database

At the University of Twente, the Teaching Assistants (TAs) play a significant ro...

Arda Konça, Ervīn Zvirbulis, Marius Pană, Mark Troicins, Vladislav Mukhachev

ETAPS Conference Management System v1.1

The ETAPS Conference Management System facilitates various management aspects of...

Egor Krasnoperov, Harm Dreteler, Luna Peshkov, Manya Narkar, Robert-Jan Nijhuis, Stefan Simionescu

Thales: Digital Twin for Swarm Applications

Research on swarm applications involving drones in the domain of distributed app...

Bogdan Colţa, Dan Negru, Mihai Spinei, Nathan Jongejan, Yuliya Alyoshyna

WebApp for Water Pipeline Inspection

The company RosenXT is, among other services, specialized in inspecting the inte...

Jason Hsu, Jump Srinualnad, Thijs Beumer, Tintin Wongthanaporn, Yixuan Zhuang

Wearable Breathing Trainer

Our team has developed a high-level prototype of the system for managing remote ...

Guido Baels, Daan Schram, Simeon Kaishev, Valerijs Farbtuhs, Kipras Klimkevicius, Matthias van der Most

EcoWatch - Smart Construction Sites

EcoWatch - A smart construction site solution that enhances environmental sustai...

Beerd van de Streek, Ferdinand de Jong, Octaviana Cheteleş, Paola Joza, Thomas Sepanosian, Xander Küpers

Digital Twin

A digital twin of a drone. The project consists of a mobile app that controls a ...

Kevin Frohboes, Aleksii Kyryk, David Hesthaven, Junjun Wu, Zhonghui Wen

BATA_WAVE: A Wireless Keypad Solution for the Batavierenrace

In the Batavierenrace, up to 300 simultaneous runners run the race, passing thro...

Alex Kouzel, Ben van Viegen, Danylo Liashenko, Douwe Osinga, Matteo Schut


Our project involves an ESP32 device that collects data. This data is transmitte...

Anthony Anazo, Mayank Thakur, Meenakshi Girish Nair, Tom Nieuwland, Twan Berg, Vithursika Vinasiththamby

Smart Library: Monitoring the Monitors

Monitoring the monitors is a sophisticated solution developed to streamline oper...

, Anant Trivedi, Aiman Abdul Wahab, Kishan Thakurani, Richard Botez, Reneta Trifonova

DeepCASE Dashboard

DeepCASE is an AI driven cybersecurity tool. However, this tool lacked a proper ...

Beau Jonkhout, Jan van Zwol, Marijke van Iperen, Katy Radzkova, Kristupas Cepelis, Lucian Trusca

SAGE Dashboard

Our project is the SAGE Dashboard. A web-app that encapsulates the SAGE tool and...

Daan Luth, Danila Bren, George Stournaras, Miglena Pavlova, Selin Mehmed

Improving the VS Code VerCors IDE plugin

The plugin is developed for the FMT group at the university. It is an extension ...

Bram Ottenschot, Denis Asenov, Jaron Lendering, Lucas Lalande, Pascal Bakker, Rick de Vries

A TA-bot for improving feedback in (Master) courses

A new way of providing feedback to the students, RoboTA represents a pioneering ...

Denis Krylov, Jakub Kościołek, Serkan Akin, Soban Asif, Yulin Chen

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CS: Design Project - 2023/2024 1A

RoyalTies - Royalty Software for Music Authors and Music Publishers

RoyalTies is a SaaS application that helps artists claim royalty payments, and a...

Brianna Drîngă, David Galati, Michiel van Huijstee, Radmehr Ghadiri, Sebastian Mihai

Implementing & Integrating Live Mission Recording with Starter Drones

In this project, we implemented Live Mission Recording for the DJI mini 2 (a sta...

Stijn Dijkstra, Luc Dop, Tim Mulder, Justin Ruiter

Visualising Movement and Occupancy of The UT-Library

This project designed and implemented a system to visualise and predict occupanc...

Indy Haverkamp, Joris Kuiper, Mathijs Tobé, Pieter van Heijningen, Rik van de Haterd

Medical AI Chatbot for ZGT

A chatbot that aims to answer questions from patients and visitors of the ZGT ho...

Chris Josten, Hayel Akel, Ilya Sinyugin, Jurre de Ruiter, Yevhenii Budnyk

BMS Incoming Exchange Student Administration

Our project focuses on streamlining the administrative tasks for the staff at th...

Faizan Mazhar Qureshi, Harry Braam, Jeongyeon Huh, Vlad Mutruc, Damon Kaewborisut, Stijn Van het Reve

CEEP: An Administration Platform to Assist Student Volunteers in Hosting Evaluations to Improve Modules

The Committee for Education Evaluation Panels (CEEP) is an initiative responsibl...

An Pan, Andrea Onofrei, Arsalaan Ahmed Khan, Diana-Alexandra Bozea, Kristiyan Velikov, Sanghyeop Park

Finding Information LLM style

The system is a Large Language Model working in a Client-Server architecture tha...

Ujjwal Dodeja, Yancho Bozhilov, George Valtas, Alen Badrajan, Jose Gavalines Tello

Team Fantasy

Team Fantasy is a real-time multiplayer video game specifically designed for res...

Abdel Bel Makhfi, Tim van de Wetering, Timothy Runhaar, Tycho Dubbeling, Wouter v.d. Boer, Yifan Sun

BATA: handling real-time data for the Batavierenrace

We developed a server-based solution for the Batavierenrace that gives real-time...

Lieke Turenhout, Max Jeltes, Niels Kruk, Ruben de Koning, Sybe de Oude

Edu QR

Teachers and educators in different fields have a central part in our society. T...

Avgerinos Demosthenous, Christian Jerkovic, Gratsiela Lyutskanova, Jean Luis Clement, Mengmeng Li, Shuhang Tian

Traffic Counter

This project uses LiDAR sensors to gather data about traffic on a motorway. The ...

Everard de Vree, Floris Heinen, Jagvir Singh Bal, Leo Ruizendaal, Matthijs Reyers

Brickworkz: BrickBase

BrickBase presents a comprehensive LEGO catalog, housing a complete database of ...

Cas ten Have, Erjan Steenbergen, Julian van Santen, Koen de Jong, Minke Bohlmeijer

CS: Design Project - 2022/2023 2A

Extending and Improving the Energy Management System

This project aims to improve the user interface of an electric vehicle charging ...

Doortje Dieleman, Duru Koçak, Michał Rączkiewicz, Sadat Ahmad, Valeria Veveriţa


Our project was to redesign a website for PLAEX. They wanted a new modern and mo...

Andrei Rarenco, Kalin Doychev, Matei Bucur, Nicu Savin, Tudor Nechiti, Victor Melinceanu

Conference Support System for ETAPS

Conference support systems are applications that facilitate the organization of ...

Aleksandar Petrov, Benjamin Othmer, Daniel Mocanu, Jiayi Tan, Kristiyan Michaylov

Blue&GO! Portable system for gamification in lectures

In recent years, gamification has been introduced in education to increase stude...

Duc Duc Tran, Fulvio Nardi Dei Da Filicaia Dotti, Phuoc Ho, Thalis Stavropoulos, Vincent Albertsson


For this project we addressed the problem where independent music producers rece...

Daniel Melero, Evana Reuvers, Jasper van der Werf, Jelte Koorstra, Paul Blum

Peer Review Scheduler

Our project aims to develop a tool that facilitates the scheduling of peer revie...

Boxuan Wang, Ferhat Ege Darici, Ibrahim Teymurlu, Salih Eren Yuceturk, Zheyu Dong, Zinan Guo

AutoRef: RoboTeam project

The AutoRef project aimed to create a digital, automatic referee system for the ...

Chris Bleeker, Job van Dieten, Jonathan Willegers, Minh Vo, Mohamed Waleed El Habashy

AI diagnostics benchmark for breast cancer

This project involves the development of a website that will serve as a platform...

Albina Shynkar, Anne Leijzer, Arda Satici, Krisiyan Dimitrov, Tim Klampe

Online health platform for citizen science

This project designed and implemented an online health platform for the Citizenl...

Dawid Kulikowski, Jesse Snoijer, Joep Vorage, Mark Boom, Silas de Graaf

High Performance Data Processing using Rust

Our project involves implementing a pipes and filters design pattern, which is s...

Alex Hesson, Anthony Irokosu, Batu Budin, Julian Adamse, Xianzhi Wu

Educational Information System for the DMB Group

The Data Management and Biometrics group (DMB) wants to have an Educational Info...

Kag ̆an Gu ̈lsu ̈m, Alex Petrov, Vasko Pirinski, Robert Ignat, Liran Neta

Cubewear Interactive Game

Mindhash has 12 LED Cubes spread throughout their office building in High Tech S...

Bram Otte, Faisal Nizamudeen, Mustafa Bilgin, Toghrul Garalov, Vladimir Halchenko


Our application provides a interface for creating and managing teams in an educa...

Frank Bruggink, Nicolae Mihălache, Nicolae Rusnac, Sandu-Victor Mintuș, Victor Horneț

FoodChain ID: Sustainability Scorecard

Sustainability Scorecard is an application that allows businesses to create cust...


LaTeXt to Speech

LaTeXt to Speech is a system that converts the contents of LaTeX files into aud...

Beitske Flake, Erik Oosting, Jeroen Zwiers, Joris Bosman, Xander Heij

Physical Therapy Application by awear

To support the patients at home, awear is creating a sensor system that monitors...

Matthias Wentink, Niek Pennings, Pepijn Visser, Rosan Maas, Rutger Witmans

General Game Playing AI for Java

JAGGER (Java Artificial General Game playER) is an AI system able to learn how t...

Thomas van den Berg, Daniel Botnarenco, Dominik Myśliwiec, Thom Harbers, Caz Saaltink


PartnerOS is a solution designed to address the challenges faced by SaaS partner...

André Andringa, Cristi Zubcu, Jelle Veldmaat, Maouheb Bessi, Marc Souvannasouck

CS: Design Project - 2022/2023 1A

Blue&GO! - Gamifying Education 2.0

Blue&GO! is a product to help gamify lectures. It is designed to be fun for both...

Berke Güdücü, Cato de Kruif, Jochem Groen, Mila Kasteel, Tom Smeets

Dumping Mapper

Dumping Mapper is a system using two deep learning models to detect and classify...

Illya Averchenko, Job Römer, Mian Tashfeen Shahid Anwar, Onen Ege Solak, Wishal M Sri Rangan

Human Detection in Biodiversity Monitoring

Our project aims to remove humans from biodiversity images using AI. For this, w...

George Octavian Stanculeanu, Kristian Nedelchev, Krisztián Szabó, Tariq Riahi, Teodora Nae

CS: Open Days

The CS: Open Days project explores the use of gamification to intuitively teach ...

Hans Goor, Reinout Vos, Ronan Oostveen, Samuel Coste, Tim Koree

Data Labeling Platform

Labeling data for data-driven projects such as machine learning can be challengi...

Abdelrahman Eshy, Daan Dieperink, Noah Viste, Sietze Van Der Vinne, Zaid Magzoub


PetPro is a modular project to automate and monitor a tortoise's habitat. The go...

Antoon Wolters, Joris Jonkers, Kiona Bijker, Reijer van Harten, Tjalling Hoogendoorn

EARNIT: platform for job opportunities

Earn It is a startup that aims to help university students find relevant part-ti...

Dimitar Popov, Pranav Chobar, Stefan Ilich, Wybe Pieterse, Yordan Tsintsov


SmartTeams is an application that allows the automatic creation of student teams...

Cosmin Ghiauru, Cristian Trusin, Kristupas Raicevičius, Luuk Willems, Tudor Nastase

Personal Learning Records

In order to support the study progress of students at the University of Twente (...

Aleksandra Siderova, Bartosz Prządka, Plamen Bozov, Venelina Pocheva, Vladislav Avramov

Using solid-state LiDAR to detect cyclists

Currently, detecting and counting bicycles is achieved by detecting changes in a...

Jasper van Amerongen, Malek Assaad, Omar Elkady, Remy Benitah, Sebastiaan Hofstee