Poster, CS: Open Days

CS: Open Days

The CS: Open Days project explores the use of gamification to intuitively teach programmatic thinking. The application aims to guide, entice, and teach prospective students about creating their own computationally intensive solutions and help them interact with Teaching Assistants during the open days. Its UX- and UI interaction are focused on occupying the user for half an hour, giving them the opportunity to learn about the University of Twente through a fun and engaging workshop. Using technologies such as NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind CSS and GSAP, the application creates a strong foundation for future developers to build upon.

Poster, CS: Open Days

CS: Open Days

The CS: Open Days project explores the use of gamification to intuitively teach programmatic thinking. The application aims to guide, entice, and teach prospective students about creating their own computationally intensive solutions and help them interact with Teaching Assistants during the open days. Its UX- and UI interaction are focused on occupying the user for half an hour, giving them the opportunity to learn about the University of Twente through a fun and engaging workshop. Using technologies such as NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind CSS and GSAP, the application creates a strong foundation for future developers to build upon.

Hans Goor, Reinout Vos, Ronan Oostveen, Samuel Coste, Tim Koree

CS: Design Project

The CS Design Project module is one of the two final modules of the Bachelor. In the design component of this module, students show that they master the entire design trajectory, from the first informal specification of requirements by a client to the delivery and presentation of a well-documented working product. Projects are submitted by clients from either inside or outside the University. Students perform the project in groups of 3-5 students under the supervision of a teacher from the Department of Computer Science. The supervisor is also the one who assesses the process and products of the group. Project deliverables include a project proposal, a design report, a presentation and a poster.

V3 Index

This was one of the final designs created in Figma used to base the application off of.


~ Final loader design

Mobile design

An unused design for Mobile as the client did not require it.

Design Report

View the full design report for this project.