Poster, Edu QR

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Teachers and educators in different fields have a central part in our society. Their role is to inspire, encourage, motivate and leave a positive influence on students' lives while helping them achieve their dreams and pushing the limits of their potential. Every year a new generation of students appears while the old generation leaves to prospect for a positive future and play an important role in the world's social and economic life. Even though teachers are the ones we look up to for knowledge and guidance, their lifelong learning is what characterizes them as good teachers. For them to continuously improve, feedback and self-assessment are the tools needed for their hard work to be rewarded in the form of appreciative comments and honest evaluations. The importance of feedback to promote personal and professional growth is crucial at all levels of education and might have an immediate impact on the performance and learning process. Additionally, according to a study from the Hamdard Institute of Science and Research in Delhi, India (Husain & Khan, 2016), two-thirds of students and teachers agreed that student feedback is an effective tool for faculty development and overall assessment of a teacher. Therefore, our aim for this project is to empower education by gathering valuable feedback from students using scientifically validated surveys to improve course and teaching performance. Our goal is to create an easy-to-use bilateral feedback collector to increase student participation as well as a teacher ranking system that may help students make the right choices when selecting a course, program or even university.

  • CS: Design Project

    The CS Design Project module is one of the two final modules of the Bachelor. In the design component of this module, students show that they master the entire design trajectory, from the first informal specification of requirements by a client to the delivery and presentation of a well-documented working product. Projects are submitted by clients from either inside or outside the University. Students perform the project in groups of 3-5 students under the supervision of a teacher from the Department of Computer Science. The supervisor is also the one who assesses the process and products of the group. Project deliverables include a project proposal, a design report, a presentation and a poster.

  • Design Report

    View the full design report for this project.

Poster, Edu QR

Edu QR

Teachers and educators in different fields have a central part in our society. Their role is to inspire, encourage, motivate and leave a positive influence on students' lives while helping them achieve their dreams and pushing the limits of their potential. Every year a new generation of students appears while the old generation leaves to prospect for a positive future and play an important role in the world's social and economic life. Even though teachers are the ones we look up to for knowledge and guidance, their lifelong learning is what characterizes them as good teachers. For them to continuously improve, feedback and self-assessment are the tools needed for their hard work to be rewarded in the form of appreciative comments and honest evaluations. The importance of feedback to promote personal and professional growth is crucial at all levels of education and might have an immediate impact on the performance and learning process. Additionally, according to a study from the Hamdard Institute of Science and Research in Delhi, India (Husain & Khan, 2016), two-thirds of students and teachers agreed that student feedback is an effective tool for faculty development and overall assessment of a teacher. Therefore, our aim for this project is to empower education by gathering valuable feedback from students using scientifically validated surveys to improve course and teaching performance. Our goal is to create an easy-to-use bilateral feedback collector to increase student participation as well as a teacher ranking system that may help students make the right choices when selecting a course, program or even university.

Avgerinos Demosthenous, Christian Jerkovic, Gratsiela Lyutskanova, Jean Luis Clement, Mengmeng Li, Shuhang Tian

CS: Design Project

The CS Design Project module is one of the two final modules of the Bachelor. In the design component of this module, students show that they master the entire design trajectory, from the first informal specification of requirements by a client to the delivery and presentation of a well-documented working product. Projects are submitted by clients from either inside or outside the University. Students perform the project in groups of 3-5 students under the supervision of a teacher from the Department of Computer Science. The supervisor is also the one who assesses the process and products of the group. Project deliverables include a project proposal, a design report, a presentation and a poster.

Design Report

View the full design report for this project.